{ "culture": "en-US", "name": "Hydro", "guid": "A83482A2-12C7-4B98-A3AF-C9A5162622D1", "catalogPath": "", "snippet": "This data exists as part of the NGWMN, funded by the USGS. It focuses on groundwater monitoring wells.", "description": "

In 2018, WGS received grant funding from the USGS to become a data provider for the National Groundwater Monitoring Network (NGWMN). WGS, in partnership with local water agencies, obtains and curates groundwater level and quality data. A data subset of these wells are selected that fit the criteria required for the NGWMN. Through web services, WGS data is obtained by the NGWMN which can then be consumed by the public through the NGWMN map services and data downloads. Currently, WGS is in partnership with Thurston, Kitsap, and Island Counties, and plan to forge additional connections with other water agencies in the State in the years to come. <\/SPAN><\/SPAN><\/P>

DNR groundwater monitoring network<\/SPAN><\/SPAN><\/P>

The Department of Natural Resources owns many wells throughout the State that are used on State-owned land leases for agriculture and grazing. In partnership with the Product Sales and Leasing Division, WGS has performed water level measurements and data compilation of wells located in the Southeast Region. Many wells have data from the 1970\u2019s to today, and will prove invaluable when determining water availability for current and future leasing. WGS has created a GIS-based database that can be used for Product Sales and Leasing. This aids in management decisions and observing trends in groundwater resource availability.<\/SPAN><\/SPAN><\/P>

<\/P><\/DIV><\/DIV><\/DIV>", "summary": "This data exists as part of the NGWMN, funded by the USGS. It focuses on groundwater monitoring wells.", "title": "Hydro", "tags": [ "NGWMN", "USGS", "Washington State", "Kitsap County", "Island County", "DNR Southeast Region", "Thurston County", "water level", "water quality" ], "type": "Feature Service", "typeKeywords": [ "Data", "Service", "Feature Service", "ArcGIS Server", "Feature Access", "providerSDS" ], "thumbnail": "thumbnail/thumbnail.png", "url": "", "extent": [ [ -122.8943, 46.8734545250001 ], [ -119.756324314, 48.263616445 ] ], "minScale": 0, "maxScale": 1.7976931348623157E308, "spatialReference": "GCS_WGS_1984", "accessInformation": "Washington Geological Survey, 2019", "licenseInfo": "

This digital data and metadata (hereinafter collectively referred to as the \"information\") are provided on an \u2018as is\u2019, \u2018as available\u2019, and \u2018with all faults\u2019 basis. Neither Department of Natural Resources nor any of its officials and employees makes any warranty of any kind for this information, express or implied, including but not limited to any warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, nor shall the distribution of this information constitute any warranty.<\/SPAN><\/SPAN><\/P>

The information is collected from various sources and will change over time without notice. DNR and its officials and employees assume no responsibility or legal liability for the accuracy, completeness, reliability, timeliness, or usefulness of any of the information provided nor do they represent that the use of any of the information will not infringe privately owned rights.<\/SPAN><\/SPAN><\/P>

The information is not intended to constitute advice nor is it to be used as a substitute for specific advice from a licensed professional. You should not act (or refrain from acting) based upon the information without independently verifying the information and, as necessary, obtaining professional advice regarding your particular facts and circumstances.<\/SPAN><\/SPAN><\/P>

References to any specific commercial product, process, and service by trade name, trademark, or manufacturer do not constitute or imply endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by DNR and its officials and employees.<\/SPAN><\/SPAN><\/P>

In no event will DNR be liable to you or any third party for any damages arising out of the use of or inability to use the digital data, even if DNR is advised of the possibility of such damages.<\/SPAN><\/SPAN><\/P>

<\/P><\/DIV><\/DIV>" }