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Hosted/Subsurface (FeatureServer)

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Service Description:

All Layers and Tables

Has Versioned Data: false

MaxRecordCount: 2000

Supported Query Formats: JSON

Supports Query Data Elements:

Layers: Tables: Description:

These data are intended to be used by used by geologists, engineers, planners, private-sector geoscientists, and the general public to identify geologic hazards, perform analyses of slope stability, downslope and downstream impacts, storm water management, and identify mitigation opportunities for construction or other land-development projects. Subsurface data is also used in mining, oil and gas exploration, carbon sequestration, and geothermal exploration.

It was compiled from a variety of sources including GeoMapNW, Washington State Department of Transportation, Washington State Department of Ecology, various counties, cities, and water resource agencies. It is not intended to be a complete inventory of borings in Washington State and, at present, includes only a small fraction of this total. The Washington Geological Survey is adding more borings to this dataset as time and resources permit.

Water wells have been compiled from various sources, mostly from the Washington Department of Ecology. The selection of wells shown in this dataset have been used in published geologic research by the Washington Geological Survey and were determined to be of high quality. The locations of these wells may have been refined from their original source. For the complete database, visit the Department of Ecology’s website

Service Item Id: 6b15771a89704ed2a0b87df97c2807c8

Copyright Text: Washington Geological Survey, 2023, Subsurface database--GIS data, July 2023: Washington Geological Survey Digital Data Series 11, version 2.3, previously released March, 2023.

Spatial Reference: 2927  (2927)

Initial Extent: Full Extent: Units: esriFeet

Document Info: Enable Z Defaults: true

Sync Capabilities:

Supports ApplyEdits With Global Ids: true

Supports Dynamic Layers: false

Child Resources:   Info   Replicas   Relationships

Supported Operations:   Query   Query Contingent Values   Apply Edits   Append   Create Replica   Synchronize Replica   Unregister Replica