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Public_Forest_Mgmt/WADNR_PUBLIC_RS_FRIS_Polys (MapServer)

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Layers: Description: RS-FRIS is a remote-sensing based forest inventory for WA DNR State Trust lands. RS-FRIS predicts forest conditions using statistical models that relate field measurements to three-dimensional remotely-sensed data (DAP and LiDAR point clouds). Forest metrics are predicted at a scale of 1/10th acre and stored as rasters. The attributes of each RIU are calculated as the mean of the raster cell values that fall within each polygon. Note: origin year and age are exceptions, and are based on the median value.RS-FRIS 5.2 was constructed using remote-sensing data collected in 2021 and 2022. Version 5.2 incorporates depletions for selected completed harvest types through 2024-12-31.Last edit date: 2024-10-17Name Description UnitsRIU_ID Unique identifier for each inventory unit. n/aLAND_COV_CD Land cover code. n/aLAND_COV_NM Land cover name. n/aAGE Number of years since the stand was initiated; a composite of known dates (where recorded in inventory data) and predicted dates (where not recorded in historical inventory data). Calculated as CURRENT YEAR - ORIGIN_YEAR. yearsORIGIN_YEAR Year at which a stand was re-initiated, a composite of known dates (where recorded in inventory data) and predicted dates (where not recorded in historical inventory data). Based on the median of raster cell values. yearBA Predicted basal area. square feet / acreBA_4 Predicted basal area of trees > 4" DBH. square feet / acreBA_4_CONIFER Predicted basal area of trees > 4" DBH which are of a conifer species. square feet / acreBA_4_HWD Predicted basal area of trees > 4" DBH which are of a hardwood species. square feet / acreBA_6 Predicted basal area of trees > 6" DBH. square feet / acreBA_T100 Predicted basal area of the 100 largest trees per acre. square feet / acreBAP_HWD Predicted percent of trees which are of a hardwood species. percent (0-100)BFVOL_GROSS Predicted gross board-foot volume. Values do not account for defect deductions. board feet / acreBFVOL_NET Predicted net board-foot volume. board feet / acreBIOMASS_ALL Predicted above-ground biomass (live and dead). metric tonnes / acBIOMASS_LIVE Predicted above-ground biomass (live). metric tonnes / acCANOPY_LAYERS Predicted count of distinct canopy layers. Units are continuous despite measurements being ordinal. countCARBON_ALL Predicted above-ground carbon (live and dead). metric tonnes / acCARBON_LIVE Predicted above-ground carbon (live). metric tonnes / acCFVOL_DDWM Predicted cubic foot volume of down and dead woody materials. cubic feet / acreCFVOL_TOTAL Predicted total cubic-foot volume. This value does not account for merchantability or defect. cubic feet / acreCLOSURE Predicted canopy closure. percent (0-100)COVER Predicted canopy cover. percent (0-100)HT_LOREY Predicted Lorey height. Lorey height is basal-area weighted mean height. feetHT_T40 Predicted height of the 40 largest trees per acre. feetHT_T100 Predicted mean height of the 100 largest trees per acre. feetHTMAX Predicted maximum tree height. feetQMD Predicted quadratic mean diameter. inchesQMD_6 Predicted quadratic mean diameter for trees > 6" DBH. inchesQMD_T100 Predicted quadratic mean diameter for top 100 trees per acre. inchesRD Predicted Curtis relative density (RD) unitlessRD_6 Predicted Curtis relative density (RD) for trees > 6" DBH unitlessRD_SUM Predicted Curtis relative density (RD), summation method unitlessSDI_SUM Predicted Reineke's Stand Density Index (SDI), summation method trees / acreSDI_SUM_4 Predicted Reineke's Stand Density Index (SDI), summation method, for trees > 4" DBH. trees / acreSDI_DF_E Modeled maximum stand density index, Douglas-fir, eastern WA. 10" qmd. trees / acreSDI_GF_E Modeled maximum stand density index, Grand-fir, eastern WA. 10" qmd. trees / acreSDI_LP_E Modeled maximum stand density index, Lodgepole pine, eastern WA. 10" qmd. trees / acreSDI_PP_E Modeled maximum stand density index, Ponderosa pine, eastern WA. 10" qmd. trees / acreSDI_WL_E Modeled maximum stand density index,Western larch, eastern WA. 10" qmd. trees / acreSDI_DF_W Modeled maximum stand density index, Douglas-fir, western WA. 10" qmd. trees / acreSDI_WH_W Modeled maximum stand density index, Western hemlock, western WA. 10" qmd. trees / acreSNAG_ACRE_15 Predicted number of snags per acre > 15" DBH. count / acreSNAG_ACRE_20 Predicted number of snags per acre > 20" DBH. count / acreSNAG_ACRE_21 Predicted number of snags per acre > 21" DBH. count / acreSNAG_ACRE_30 Predicted number of snags per acre > 30" DBH. count / acreSPECIES1 Primary species n/aSPECIES2 Secondary species n/aTREE_ACRE Predicted number of trees per acre. count / acreTREE_ACRE_4 Predicted number of trees per acre > 4" DBH. count / acreTREE_ACRE_4_CONIFER Predicted number of trees per acre > 4" DBH which are conifer. count / acreTREE_ACRE_6 Predicted number of trees per acre > 6" DBH. count / acreTREE_ACRE_8 Predicted number of trees per acre > 8" DBH. count / acreTREE_ACRE_11 Predicted number of trees per acre > 11" DBH. count / acreTREE_ACRE_20 Predicted number of trees per acre > 20" DBH. count / acreTREE_ACRE_21 Predicted number of trees per acre > 21" DBH. count / acreTREE_ACRE_30 Predicted number of trees per acre > 30" DBH. count / acreTREE_ACRE_31 Predicted number of trees per acre > 31" DBH. count / acreRS_COVERED Description of the extent of RS-FRIS raster coverage within inventory unit (NONE, PARTIAL, or FULL). n/aRS_COVERED_PCT Percent (0 to 100) of the inventory unit with RS-FRIS raster coverage. percent (0-100)RS_FRIS_POLY_ACRES Acres of RS-FRIS polygon. acresDISPOSED Boolean to indicate DNR-disposed surface lands n/a

Service Item Id: 686682e2f4d04fca8c46ab4b8a47c1b3

Copyright Text: Washington Department of Natural Resources, Forest Resources Division

Spatial Reference: 2927  (2927)  LatestVCSWkid(0)

Single Fused Map Cache: false

Initial Extent: Full Extent: Units: esriFeet


Document Info: Supports Dynamic Layers: true

MaxRecordCount: 2000

MaxImageHeight: 4096

MaxImageWidth: 4096

Supported Query Formats: JSON, geoJSON, PBF

Supports Query Data Elements: true

Min Scale: 0

Max Scale: 5000

Supports Datum Transformation: true

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