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Layer: RS-FRIS 5.2 RIU Polygons (ID: 0)

Name: RS-FRIS 5.2 RIU Polygons

Display Field: RIU_ID

Type: Feature Layer

Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolygon

Description: RS-FRIS is a remote-sensing based forest inventory for WA DNR State Trust lands. RS-FRIS predicts forest conditions using statistical models that relate field measurements to three-dimensional remotely-sensed data (DAP and LiDAR point clouds). Forest metrics are predicted at a scale of 1/10th acre and stored as rasters. The attributes of each RIU are calculated as the mean of the raster cell values that fall within each polygon. Note: origin year and age are exceptions, and are based on the median value.RS-FRIS 5.2 was constructed using remote-sensing data collected in 2021 and 2022. Version 5.2 incorporates depletions for selected completed harvest types through 2024-12-31.Last edit date: 2024-10-17NameDescriptionUnitsRIU_IDUnique identifier for each inventory unit.n/aLAND_COV_CDLand cover code.n/aLAND_COV_NMLand cover name.n/aAGENumber of years since the stand was initiated; a composite of known dates (where recorded in inventory data) and predicted dates (where not recorded in historical inventory data). Calculated as CURRENT YEAR - ORIGIN_YEAR.yearsORIGIN_YEARYear at which a stand was re-initiated, a composite of known dates (where recorded in inventory data) and predicted dates (where not recorded in historical inventory data). Based on the median of raster cell values.yearBAPredicted basal area.square feet / acreBA_4Predicted basal area of trees > 4" DBH.square feet / acreBA_4_CONIFERPredicted basal area of trees > 4" DBH which are of a conifer species.square feet / acreBA_4_HWDPredicted basal area of trees > 4" DBH which are of a hardwood species.square feet / acreBA_6Predicted basal area of trees > 6" DBH.square feet / acreBA_T100Predicted basal area of the 100 largest trees per acre.square feet / acreBAP_HWDPredicted percent of trees which are of a hardwood species.percent (0-100)BFVOL_GROSSPredicted gross board-foot volume. Values do not account for defect deductions.board feet / acreBFVOL_NETPredicted net board-foot volume.board feet / acreBIOMASS_ALLPredicted above-ground biomass (live and dead).metric tonnes / acBIOMASS_LIVEPredicted above-ground biomass (live).metric tonnes / acCANOPY_LAYERSPredicted count of distinct canopy layers. Units are continuous despite measurements being ordinal.countCARBON_ALLPredicted above-ground carbon (live and dead).metric tonnes / acCARBON_LIVEPredicted above-ground carbon (live).metric tonnes / acCFVOL_DDWMPredicted cubic foot volume of down and dead woody materials.cubic feet / acreCFVOL_TOTALPredicted total cubic-foot volume. This value does not account for merchantability or defect.cubic feet / acreCLOSUREPredicted canopy closure.percent (0-100)COVERPredicted canopy cover.percent (0-100)HT_LOREYPredicted Lorey height. Lorey height is basal-area weighted mean height.feetHT_T40Predicted height of the 40 largest trees per acre.feetHT_T100Predicted mean height of the 100 largest trees per acre.feetHTMAXPredicted maximum tree height.feetQMDPredicted quadratic mean diameter.inchesQMD_6Predicted quadratic mean diameter for trees > 6" DBH.inchesQMD_T100Predicted quadratic mean diameter for top 100 trees per acre.inchesRDPredicted Curtis relative density (RD) unitlessRD_6Predicted Curtis relative density (RD) for trees > 6" DBHunitlessRD_SUMPredicted Curtis relative density (RD), summation methodunitlessSDI_SUMPredicted Reineke's Stand Density Index (SDI), summation methodtrees / acreSDI_SUM_4Predicted Reineke's Stand Density Index (SDI), summation method, for trees > 4" DBH.trees / acreSDI_DF_EModeled maximum stand density index, Douglas-fir, eastern WA. 10" qmd.trees / acreSDI_GF_EModeled maximum stand density index, Grand-fir, eastern WA. 10" qmd.trees / acreSDI_LP_EModeled maximum stand density index, Lodgepole pine, eastern WA. 10" qmd.trees / acreSDI_PP_EModeled maximum stand density index, Ponderosa pine, eastern WA. 10" qmd.trees / acreSDI_WL_EModeled maximum stand density index,Western larch, eastern WA. 10" qmd.trees / acreSDI_DF_WModeled maximum stand density index, Douglas-fir, western WA. 10" qmd.trees / acreSDI_WH_WModeled maximum stand density index, Western hemlock, western WA. 10" qmd.trees / acreSNAG_ACRE_15Predicted number of snags per acre > 15" DBH.count / acreSNAG_ACRE_20Predicted number of snags per acre > 20" DBH.count / acreSNAG_ACRE_21Predicted number of snags per acre > 21" DBH.count / acreSNAG_ACRE_30Predicted number of snags per acre > 30" DBH.count / acreSPECIES1Primary speciesn/aSPECIES2Secondary speciesn/aTREE_ACREPredicted number of trees per acre.count / acreTREE_ACRE_4Predicted number of trees per acre > 4" DBH.count / acreTREE_ACRE_4_CONIFERPredicted number of trees per acre > 4" DBH which are conifer.count / acreTREE_ACRE_6Predicted number of trees per acre > 6" DBH.count / acreTREE_ACRE_8Predicted number of trees per acre > 8" DBH.count / acreTREE_ACRE_11Predicted number of trees per acre > 11" DBH.count / acreTREE_ACRE_20Predicted number of trees per acre > 20" DBH.count / acreTREE_ACRE_21Predicted number of trees per acre > 21" DBH.count / acreTREE_ACRE_30Predicted number of trees per acre > 30" DBH.count / acreTREE_ACRE_31Predicted number of trees per acre > 31" DBH.count / acreRS_COVEREDDescription of the extent of RS-FRIS raster coverage within inventory unit (NONE, PARTIAL, or FULL). n/aRS_COVERED_PCTPercent (0 to 100) of the inventory unit with RS-FRIS raster coverage.percent (0-100)RS_FRIS_POLY_ACRESAcres of RS-FRIS polygon.acresDISPOSEDBoolean to indicate DNR-disposed surface landsn/a

Service Item Id: 686682e2f4d04fca8c46ab4b8a47c1b3

Copyright Text: WA DNR

Default Visibility: true

MaxRecordCount: 2000

Supported Query Formats: JSON, geoJSON, PBF

Min Scale: 0.0

Max Scale: 5000.0

Supports Advanced Queries: true

Supports Statistics: true

Has Labels: true

Can Modify Layer: true

Can Scale Symbols: false

Use Standardized Queries: true

Supports Datum Transformation: true

Drawing Info: Advanced Query Capabilities:
HasZ: false

HasM: false

Has Attachments: false

HTML Popup Type: esriServerHTMLPopupTypeAsHTMLText

Type ID Field: null

Supported Operations:   Query   Query Attachments   Query Analytic   Generate Renderer   Return Updates

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